Sunday, 20 April 2008

Hello, I'm Joe Thomas,
a member of Shepway Writers
based in Folkestone.


I like to write short fictional stories but
my grammar isn't good
so I devised a form of poetry that suits my
shortcomings yet still allows me to tell a story.
My tip: Read to the end of each poem...
my efforts always have a sting in the tail!
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to read more of my stuff
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Ta Muchly.
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It’s Friday night in
the Rose and Crown.
We’re three beers up,
with more going down.
John, Dave and myself
for two hours or more,
have been debating
politics and the law.
Suddenly, for no reason,
I’m thinking of death.
Of that moment when
I take my last breath.
I’m young and I’m rich;
free as a bird.
To be morbid like this
is plainly absurd.
I’m wishing some power
would explain to me,
how I’m going to die
and when will it be.
Someone is listening
because all goes still.
No movement or sound,
then - a sudden chill.
I’m in a white room.
Where? I don’t know.
A woman appears
in a radiant glow.
She has a folder.
My name is clear.
She says kindly,
‘Your future’s in here.
But be really sure
you want to know.
You can change your mind;
and be free to go.
But once you’ve found out,
you can’t change a thing.
In here it shows when
you’ve had your last fling.’
Well, if it’s kismet,
I’ll find out now.
Whatever it is, it
will happen anyhow.
I open the folder
bearing my name.
My death is there,
the details proclaim:
Heart failure on
March 1st. 2008.
8.20p.m. is when I’ll
meet Peter at the gate.
I look up and exclaim,
‘That’s now…today!’
She smiles sadly as
she leads me away.
To his two shocked friends
The paramedic stressed,
their mate had died
of a cardiac arrest.
The moral is
simple and sublime:
“Forget about tomorrow;
enjoy this day, and time!”

Joe Thomas. 2008.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

GREAT NEWS! That wonderful Chinese/British writer
Anhua Gao’s inspirational autobiography,
will be re-published in June 2008.
Get it from bookshops or Amazon (5 star rating).
Or, if you fancy an author-signed copy,

Saturday, 1 March 2008

John dies and reaches Heaven; soon he’s outside the gate.

He calls out to Saint Peter, ‘What’s the password mate?’


‘The word is LOVE.’ Peter replies. ‘Spell it out for me.’

Johnny quickly obliges. ‘That’s easy. It’s L.O.V.E.’


‘Thanks John, that’s all I require,’ says Peter, with a smile.

‘You’ve passed. Come through the turnstile.


‘You’re a member now, so you can cover for me.

Just guard the gate - I won’t be a jiffy.


‘You know the drill. If they answer right,

let them through… Into the light.’


John agrees and to the rules he adheres,

passing everyone until a woman appears.


As the figure gets nearer he wearily sighs.

It's his wife. She’s suddenly died.


Of a shrewish nature, she screams in his face,

‘Well no-hoper! How do I get into this place?’


John thinks quickly before looking at her

saying, ‘Spell Czechoslovakia.’



Joe Thomas.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

A Spot of Bother…!

Ted lifted the receiver,
it was Pedro again.
He managed a villa for
Ted in sunny Spain.
Set in beautiful country
in rough terrain,
miles from anywhere…
That was Ted’s domain.
‘Hi Pedro! What’s up?’
‘Bad news, Senor Ted.
George your parrot has
dropped down dead.’
‘Damn! My favourite
prize-winning bird.
He was still young. I’m
surprised it occurred.’
‘Senor Ted, it was
over in a beat.
He died from eating
rotten meat.’
‘Who fed him that?
Some idiot of course.’
‘No Senor Ted, he ate
off a dead horse.’
‘A dead horse?
Is that what you said?’
Oh! Don’t tell me…
NOT my thoroughbred!’
‘Yes, Senor Ted. He died
right at the start.
From the strain of
pulling the water cart.’
‘Oh dear, what water cart?’
Asked Ted, afraid to enquire.
‘The one we used to
put out the fire.’
‘Good lord! A fire?
What do you mean?’
‘A candle, Senor Ted.
It was unforeseen.
First the curtains
caught alight,
then everything went up.
There was no respite.’
‘So, because of a candle,
my house is no more.
Who lit the candle?
And what was it for?’
‘For the funeral of course.
It went well, Senor Ted…
All of the guests were
fully liquored and fed.’
Tell me right away.
Who actually died
and was it foul play?’
‘It was your ex-wife.
She showed up one night.
I thought she was a thief
and slugged her outright.’
‘Well Pedro what more
disasters can you bring?
You must have thought
of everything.’
‘Yes, Senor Ted, that’s it.
But here’s the rub.
I killed your ex-wife
with your Tiger Woods club.’
For a long time
nothing was said.
Until Pedro enquired,
‘Are you there, Senor Ted?’
Slowly and clearly
his boss said,
‘If you’ve broken my driver…
End. Copyright February 2008 - Joe Thomas.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Could poets communicate in rhyme?
Probably, but not all the time.
It’s not as easy as you might think;
Could quickly drive a poet to drink.
To talk naturally in rhyming speech,
Is a target some cannot reach.
But it would be better all round,
If we paused before uttering a sound.
Speeches would take longer…
(Politicians wouldn’t mind)
It would slow down the hotheads
And be good for all mankind.
So let’s invent this new language
As soon as we can manage
Let’s spread it across all lands
For the benefit of man.
Will poets ever communicate in rhyme?
Maybe…. If given plenty of time!
Joe Thomas – 2007.