Saturday, 1 March 2008

John dies and reaches Heaven; soon he’s outside the gate.

He calls out to Saint Peter, ‘What’s the password mate?’


‘The word is LOVE.’ Peter replies. ‘Spell it out for me.’

Johnny quickly obliges. ‘That’s easy. It’s L.O.V.E.’


‘Thanks John, that’s all I require,’ says Peter, with a smile.

‘You’ve passed. Come through the turnstile.


‘You’re a member now, so you can cover for me.

Just guard the gate - I won’t be a jiffy.


‘You know the drill. If they answer right,

let them through… Into the light.’


John agrees and to the rules he adheres,

passing everyone until a woman appears.


As the figure gets nearer he wearily sighs.

It's his wife. She’s suddenly died.


Of a shrewish nature, she screams in his face,

‘Well no-hoper! How do I get into this place?’


John thinks quickly before looking at her

saying, ‘Spell Czechoslovakia.’



Joe Thomas.

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